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Book a Session

Our BMI consultation accurately measures body fat, muscle mass, vascular fat, and metabolic rate. With this information we can create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals. We committed to providing you with the best guidance and support on your fitness journey. This service is perfect for those seeking a lifestyle change with realistic advice and support, or for upcoming events such as photoshoots.


  • Personalised Diet Guidelines & Plan

  • 7 x BMI Consultations (bi-weekly)

  • Supplement Recommendations

  • Custom Training Program


  • Diet Guidelines & Plan

  • 1 x BMI Consultation

  • Supplement Recommendations

  • Training Program

Discover the Benefits

Customized Diet Plan

We use advanced statistics to create a personalized meal plan that is tailored to your specific goals and preferences. Our goal is to help you achieve your health and fitness goals by providing you with a customized meal plan that is both and nutritious.

Observed Progress

Our month-to-month programming allows us to measure and adjust according to your progress and results, ensuring maximum results. We're committed to helping you see the progress you'll make with us.

Body Analysis

Our calibrated BMI machine is a reliable tool to measure and track your current BMI state. With accurate readings, we can provide you with personalized advice to help you achieve your health goals. 

BMI Check-Ins

Our program includes a BMI check-in to track your progress and provide the support you need to succeed. Monthly diet and supplement recommendations will be made accordingly.

Training Knowlegde

Instead of blindly following our program, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and skills to maximize your efforts and achieve your fitness goal. By understanding the right way of training, you can continue to make progress even after you complete our program

Health Awareness

Our aim is to assist you in achieving optimal health by monitoring the fat around your organs. We will offer you tailored guidance and program based on your outcomes

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